Thursday, January 27, 2011

A time for everything

Things are always changing. Nothing ever stays the same.....people don't stay the same. Do you ever wish that you could freeze a moment in time and hold it that way forever? I do.

I was all gung-ho about writing this blog. I had every intention of blogging religiously. I have lots of things to say. I always have lots of things to say. I needed the therapy of talking to no one. And then, August 9th, someone died. I started writing a memorandum blog for this person. But I kept writing and deleting, writing and deleting. I couldn't get the words right, I couldn't get the feelings right. Nothing seemed right at all.

I have dealt with a lot of death in the past few years. Family members, friends, people from church. It never gets easier. It always hurts. It seems like with every death, I cry a little less. I just feel numb. I feel like a piece of me has died with that person.

But I am the one who is still living. I am the one who still has chances and options, a present and a future. I can still love, laugh, grow, cry and dream. I can still make mistakes and create adventures. I can decide to see the glass half full and the grass a little greener.

One of my favorite quotes lately is from Erwin McManus: "I am convinced in all of us there is a voice crying out, a confession waiting to be declared without shame, 'I want to live!'" My time of mourning is over. This is a new year, a fresh start. I can make this year better than the last. 2011 is waiting for me. I am going to live it.

The blog is back!

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