Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My new (birthday) year's resolution

July 20, 2010 12:13 am. I am officially 30 years old. It feels different than I thought it would. It feels less...old. I have never had an issue with a birthday: I look forward to them with eager anticipation and excitement. This year was no different, until about a month before the big day. At that point it became an unwelcome reality that I wasn't so easily dealing with.

Someone wise once mentioned to me that our twenties are similar to our freshman year in high school. We're the low man on the totem pole - not sure of ourselves or whow this new chapter of our life is supposed to be. We make lots of mistakes, try to act older than we are, live with reckless abandon and test all limits and boundaries. Our thirties are our sophomore year of adulthood. We have learned from said mistakes made in our twenties, and we enter this decade of our lives thinking that we have it all together now. I'm sure we will be very quickly proven wrong on this notion.

This new chapter of my life is bringing with it many changes. I am quitting smoking (again), trying to lose a few unwanted pounds, eat healthier, exercise more and try a variety of new things. This blog will be a testament to this new era. Looking back at my twenties, I don't feel I have much to show it. I don't feel I accomplished much. I feel like I wasted them. Whether it be full of sucesses or failures, joyous times or heartaches, pretty, ugly or brutally honest, I will write it all down. I will live more, laugh more, and love more. In the process of this journey, maybe I will find myself; I will discover who I am.

Help, I'm 30! This is a journey through my sophomore decade of adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. I pray the Lord walks with you on this exciting journey!! May He guide you ALL the way!! Much love!!!
